The last few years have seen a shift in the way we approach and deliver our work.

Over the last 7 years, we’ve been developing our new approach to information security based on a serious undertaking of research. This research draws from behavioural science, neuroscience and culture and includes the principles of storytelling, communication and marketing. Our aim has been to bring together the evidence and knowledge around behaviour and culture and apply it to information security.

The culmination of this research and development is our SABC Framework. This framework interweaves the findings of our research into good security practice to create a truly effective and methodical approach to embedding security within an organisation.

It’s an exciting time here at Marmalade Box. Our new direction has brought us lots of new opportunities and clients. Our founder has been invited to speak at conferences around the world as it has been recognised that the work we are doing is groundbreaking within our industry. People want to find out more!

And we want to give them more!

But first, we need to take a look in the mirror. In order for us to step forward we know that we need to look the part, and quite frankly, right now we don’t. Our visual brand identity needs some TLC. And so does our website!

So, this year has seen us undertake a brand development project that we’re really excited about sharing with you. This does mean that we’re looking for a partner to work with to bring our brand alive online.